Cinema Verite as defined by Webster's Dictionary:
cinéma-vérité |ˌsinəmə ˌveriˈtā| noun a style of filmmaking characterized by realistic, typically documentary motion pictures that avoid artificiality and artistic effect and are generally made with simple equipment. • motion pictures made in the style of cinéma-vérité collectively. ORIGIN mid 20th cent.: French, literally ‘cinema truth.’
Cinema Verite is used to describe a type of motion filmmaking. I apply this same ideal to still photographs. Utilizing minimal equipment and post production, interacting with the subjects as necessary to frame the shot or to elicit emotion. Natural emotion, however the photographer intervenes. While capturing posed and planned portraits, the 'in between' times are where the moments or candids as they are now called manifest. Eliciting a third dimension to a portrait.
I apply this style with all my photography and in the past called it Stylized Photojournalism. While still-lifes and architecture may be more heavily amped to suit my 'eye,' I still use minimal equipment and whatever light is available to produce what you see on my website and posts. With regard to weddings I photograph the majority of the event in a photojournalistic style, cinema verite, style. Portraits and speciality sessions combine cinema verite and fine art techniques in post to deliver a more unique, less traditional final image capturing your essence and persona.
Coming from a fine art background with painting and drawing my emphasis I now apply those skills to both the digital file and ultimately embellish the final canvas or print further with paint, pencil and pastels. The final portrait provided to those who choose this option is a one-of-a-kind work of art featuring you or a place you love.
Give me a call and ask about this special option for all portraits and fine art work. 504-920-8703

Cinema Verite - Photojournalistic Candid

Cinema Verite - Photojournalistic Candid while the couple is posing/acting, the passerbys are the photojournalistic component

Less Candid - More Cinema Verite as they posed for this shot. However, look around them and the reactions of passerbys

Cinema Verite start, one of those 'in between' moments transformed to a unique one-of-a-kind work of art portrait