Krista and Mark dancing on the levee in Algier's Point overlooking The French Quarter
I have an eclectic taste in music, much garnered from movies and television. The music makes me want to get up and dance. But I usually don't. Until lately.
I'm going to out myself right now. I'm no spring chicken. Got some years under my belt. I totally freaked out when I turned forty. And fifty. Holy shit, I'm almost dead. No kidding. I flipped out. Well, I am past that now. And you know what? I can honestly say there is something about your fifties. You are sure as hell a whole lot smarter... savvy I'd say. Am I right, ladies? Can I hear an Amen?!
Well the other day it hit me right between the eyes like a fastball. Things have really started to come together. My life's journey is very different than most. No kids. Didn't get married till I was 35. So here I am today. Married to my soulmate! A wedding photographer! In New Orleans! I'm in heaven doing what I love with a whole lot more of life's experience under my belt. Dropped 25 pounds, getting healthier and really loving it.
So what's that got to do with dancing on the levee you ask. It's freedom. Freedom from self-doubt. Freedom from self-imposed slavery to world expectations. Its a few moments of total freedom. So yeah, go ahead! Dance on the levee. Swing and sway. Step and shake. Dance to the beat. Feel freedom. Its truly liberating.
Life's good. We should never fear the future.