Family Photography in New Orleans
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By Pamela L. Reed Photography
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Relaxed Mother and Son Photographs in the French Quarter

Several years ago I photographed Lindsay and Brad's wedding here in New Orleans. Oh my! We had a blast! Last year Lindsay called wondering if I would photograph she and her son. They would be coming down without Brad this trip. She wanted relaxed, no pressure family photos of her son rather than the very posey ones in studios. So we met up at their hotel and ran around the French Quarter early in the morning to beat the heat. 

Kids at that age have a mind of their own. So we just let him roll with it. We had smiles and tears. Hugs and frowns. Running and exploring. Here are just a few from that morning. And a couple from Brad and Lindsay's wedding 'way back when'!

Give me a call if you are looking for more unique and relaxed family photographs. 504-920-8703

And check out this portfolio of some random photos from various family and reunion sessions.

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