I have been moving in a direction with wedding portraits that is kind of a combination of fine art painting, drawing mixed with photography. I'm still refining so bear with me. My background pre-photographer days was life drawing with charcoal, pastels and pencil, my first love. As the years passed I found I could photograph what I wanted to paint and do a kind of photo-realism without the use of an airbrush. But I got stuck. The vision I had in my head I just couldn't get across via the paintbrush, a skill that the great painters have and I don't.
Every bride I photograph is beautiful. Her smile glows, her eyes sparkle. I want to capture that moment with my camera and transform it into the painting I see in my head but can't accomplish via traditional wet media. And so here is one of my first ones. Its composed of several layers. I'm not quite completely happy with it but it is certainly going in the direction I want to head.
So for you brides checking me out and deciding whether we are a match, yes, give me a little extra time, trust me and this is something special included with your files. Sometimes its a few days later because I am thinking about which image to choose and how I want to present while still reflecting who I feel you are inside, behind the cloak of presentation.

If you like the direction I am going we should talk about your wedding or commissioned portraits. 504-920-8703