Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run
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By Pamela Reed
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Yep.  He's all mine.  The tattoo'd one in the front.  In my previous post about what I do on my day off I mentioned the Red Dress Run here in NOLA.  Well my husband definitely participates.  

It really all starts in May.  We head to the local thrift store and look for larger sized red dresses.  I swear there are probably a thousand red dresses that just get passed back and forth in these thrift stores.  Back to my story.  We enter the front door of Red, White & Blue and my husband makes a beeline to the rack of dresses.  He knows where it is located.  Sigh...  Next he looks for his size.  Then when he finds a few its now time for my opinion.  He asks "what do you think of this strapless job?".  I look him straight in the eye and say "well, it fits, but we will have to sew straps on it dear because you ain't got no titties darlin'."  I swear the ladies around me gasped.  And he never missed a beat.

We have the dress now.  Its a cute strapless number with a flowing hemline in white satin accents.  Oh and of course he chose an off-white straw hat to protect his delicate head from sunburn.  Oh the horror...



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