It wasn't very long ago that most photographers laughed at those who chose to shoot weddings.
I admit I was one of them.
So much has changed with the advent of digital verses film. Creativity has exploded. There are so many options it can be overwhelming, I would expect for couples to choose who suits their style best.
For me taking the leap to weddings from fine art exhibition and portraiture came at a time when the economy was in the beginning stages of collapse.
While successful with gallery exhibition and sales, the lack of spendable income for many, moved buying art to the bottom of their list. I would never have even considered wedding photography had a friend not bugged me to shoot her wedding. She talked to several photographers but kept coming back and asking if I would consider it. In her case it wasn't about money as her budget was very good. She liked me and liked my work.
At that time I had not made the move from film to digital yet. I finally agreed as long as I could have a second shooter to help me with what was important to shoot. Remember, I had never photographed a wedding before but I knew it wasn't a cake walk. They require knowledge of flash, quality main and backup equipment for what always happens and is never expected, and the ability to change everything at the drop of a hat.
Never are two weddings the same.
Even elopements each differ.
And I totally love that about weddings.
I visit venues at the approximate time-frame of the event to view the light and how it will or won't affect my choices in equipment for supplemental lighting to create the 3-dimensional style clients love, always taking into consideration how weather can affect everything.
This is the beginning of the creative phase.
Once I know more about my booked client I can then put the venue and client together and start pre-visualizing how I might want to light it for the final art that ensues hours/days later at my computer. Getting it right in camera makes the creative end so much easier and provides the best photographs possible.
So why did I choose to be a wedding photographer?
Because my clients encourage me to stretch my wings creatively.
They want art.
They want realism/honesty in their photographs. They really want to relive every detail of their day. And no, not the party favor type of details (while those are always a part of it, I love product photography!), but the unguarded moments that flew by so fast you already forgot them. They know I am so into what I do that no matter what the weather, venue or outside influences they will receive art and with a smile and lots of laughs.
My dad many years ago said I could count myself lucky if what I chose as a field to work within I loved. I love the challenges, the pace, the emotions (its almost like reliving my wedding day), the city of New Orleans as a canvas just layers more art into the final photographs.
How cool to be able to create art, be encouraged by those paying you to let loose and do whatever you want because they trust you.
That's a big deal to me.
So yeah I never would have expected I'd be a wedding photographer in New Orleans today but I am and not regretting it a bit.
Below is not a wedding photograph but one of my fine art pieces. Thought you might enjoy something different.

If you would like something other than fish photographed at your wedding give me a call! 504-920-8703.