New Orleans Voodoo Wedding
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By Pamela L. Reed Photography
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I've photographed several Voodoo weddings here in New Orleans but this was the first one with Sally Glassman officiating at the Rosalie Temple. I want to dispel some misunderstandings about a voodoo wedding. It is highly spiritual and beautiful. Don't believe what you see in movies and Hollywood's idea of Voodoo. It is moving and connected to the earth, sky, water and air.

This was a unique experience for me as the ceremony was inside at night with very little light. Due to the intrusion a flash can make it was decided to go without so the entire wedding was photographed with existing light at a very high ISO (for you photographers out there) between 10k and 12,800 at f1.2 for the most part. 

Back to this lovely wedding. We did some relaxed portraits and family photographs before the ceremony began. The love between them was palpable. Their vows were so beautiful and his brought me to tears. Gushing tears. The poetry was so full of love and admiration. Frankly, there was so much love in that room you could feel it. Take a look at some of the photographs. I think you will agree it was a very special wedding. 

Give me a call for your unique or non-traditional wedding. 504-920-8703

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