Street portraits and candids in the French Quarter of New Orleans inevitably yield some great photo bombs.
You can't avoid them really.
Frankly they are what make the street photography portion of a wedding come alive.
So here are a few I collected this year. And of course there are always the couples who decide to photo bomb the photo bombers. Here is a sampling.

Stopping for a toast and you can't escape a photo bomb.

You gotta get to work and sometimes you just don't pay attention to whats going on around you.

Congratulatory toasts from strangers is the norm here.

And unfortunately you can't avoid the gutter punks and as a photographer sometimes I am the victim of a photo bomb.

Yep. This happened.

Then there are the couples who decide to turn the tables.

Of course the prequisite folks just ambling along unaware of anything around them. A symptom of Bourbon Street imbibing.

What wedding photo bomb is complete without another passing wedding?

Street Musicians are everywhere and happy to play for tips while occasionally inadvertantly photo bombing.

Of course the locals love weddings!

And the glamour queens grabbing the spotlight.

Toss in the random oops with the "hey, look at me" photo bomber.

This one is a funny story. The bride had her flowers in her new husband's backpack. As we were setting up to do a fun portrait on Bourbon Street a couple asked them if they could buy the flowers not realizing they had just gotten married and this was her bouquet. After the interlopers' initial embarassment Jackie grabbed a few blooms from the bouquet and gave them to this sweet couple.

One of my all time favorites. He was just hanging around and his dog took a liking to the bride resulting in this epic shot. Love the Lucky Dogs cart behind the lucky groom and lucky dog.

My all time favorite. The bride was able to toss her bouquet from one of the balconies on Bourbon Street. The young man behind them was talking on the phone and holding a drink while catching the bouquet. His shirt was totally the cherry on top. I think you can figure out what his t-shirt says...

More local congrats!

What photo bomb is complete without the wedding couple photo bombing a random second line on Bourbon Street.

And finally what wedding vows are complete without a steampunker showing off his skills.
If you want unique and engaging wedding photographs give me a call for availability and rates. 504-920-8703