Stress-Free Elopement and Wedding Planning - New Orleans Wedding Photographer
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By Pamela Reed
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As a photographer I know that stressed clients make for not-so-great photographs and who wants their clients stressed out???

So over the years I have developed methods and techniques that help to make planning and implementing your elopement or wedding a fun and relaxed event. It's really pretty simple actually.

Here are five suggestions to alleviate stress and frustration you might encounter planning a destination wedding in New Orleans.

1. Pick vendors you like. Hire people who understand and really see your vision and/or needs. Don't buy into BS. Read reviews, lots of them. If previous clients consistantly comment on how relaxed they felt then THAT just may be your vendor. It's vital that you trust your vendors. It allows you to let go and enjoy your day.


2. Be honest. That's right, be honest with yourself and your vendors. Be grounded in reality, not fantasy. Many vendors play upon that fantasy mindset and that's where things can go wrong and go way above budget (don't start your marriage in debt.) Be honest about your budget (always set your budget 20% lower than your actual budget; that allows for breathing room - kind of like building a house) with both yourself and your vendors. Don't try to be someone you are not. If you never wear frilly dresses and accessories, you probably don't want to start now. Be yourself because you are perfect just as you are right now!


3. Know whats going on. New Orleans is a huge tourist city meaning that there are certain times of year when hotels and other needs are more expensive or hard to book. Find out what is going on in the city BEFORE you set your wedding date in stone. You might not want to do a large, formal wedding during Mardi Gras in the French Quarter (or you might.) So, find out what is going on and when before you book your date.


4. Understand Wedding Sales Sites. Be careful is all I can say. The Knot and others, while helpful in some ways, can really mess your head up fast. Before you know it, your costs have sky-rocketed because you just have to have everything they SAY you need or your wedding won't be perfect. Use caution. Don't get sucked in. Use the tools wisely. ;)


5. Have No Expectations. As the day approaches, whether you went with a huge wedding or a private elopement, your expectations are there and quite clear. And just like life - sh*t happens. Things can go wrong no matter how much you plan. Emotions run high. Lose the expectations the day of your wedding. NONE! If something goes wrong or isn't provided, etc. blow it off for now. You can address it the next day. Assign someone to be your liaison if there are issues. And for what it's worth, the unexpected ALWAYS makes for great memories if you let go of your expectations. Not to say if you paid and expected something for your payment you shouldn't address it, just not during your wedding. The wrong cake flavor sucks but it won't ruin your wedding unless you let it. Take this advice from a certified control freak. 


These are just a few suggestions. Clients who book with me know I am their ally and will do my best to be sure their experience with me is fun and relaxed minus any stresses. Hop on board if you are looking for less stress, more fun and beautiful photographs that capture all the moments that represent your new life together. Call me for more information about my services and what I can do to help make your day awesome! 504-920-8703

Check out a few random shots of Vincent and Christine. No stress here!

We were doing portraits. This is one of the "in-between" moments I speak about often. A candid in Cinema Verite Style.

Can't show the preceding shots but it was hilarious when she decided to hop into the fountain!

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