I recently came upon a great post from Rock n Roll Bride about brides' fear of wedding photographs due to her body image. As someone who has fought body image and being photographed I think I'm very qualified to chat a bit about the subject.
I have spent far too much time obessed with my own body image.
First, it was nitpicky things like my ears, thin lips, wide jaw, close set eyes and wide tush. Then it manifested into full blown hatred of being photographed. Three dimensional objects when photographed are flattened to two dimensional, therefore creating an illusion of being wider. Usually the camera adds 10 pounds. But to be honest, a good photographer can counteract that by the lens they use, the distance they shoot from and the angle to subject.
Look, I'm being dead serious here.
Rarely have I liked a photograph taken of me by friends or at events. To the point of cringing. I'm short and, yes, about 10-15 pounds overweight. My face shape is difficult to photograph in an appealing way if you are taller than me. I guarantee you will shoot me from above making me look shorter, wider and older.
Anyway, this post isn't about me. It's about you and how to maybe get over this fear for your wedding photographs.
The very first thing I can tell you is the mirror can be your friend and your dire enemy.
Cheap mirrors are like sideshow mirror tents distorting the reflection of your body. Many years ago I set a cheapy $5 mirror from Target on a step stool and leaned it against the wall. This optical illusion removes a few pounds as it lengthens your body. One day my husband asked me why I tilted the mirror and offered to attach it to the wall. I declined and explained (of course he still thinks I am nuts) that the tilt made me feel better when I left the house. He just shook his head and wandered off. What he didn't understand is if I felt I looked good then I would have a good time without worrying that I looked, gawd forbid, fat.
Second, is step out of your self doubt and look in a GOOD full length mirror.
Now, pretend there is a string attached from the bottom of your feet all the way through the top of your head, held like a puppet on a string. Now the puppetmaster has pulled up on the string from above and you gently stretch through your entire body. Watch the transformation in the mirror. Gently roll your shoulders back, relax them and stand perfectly straight as we all were taught. You just lost several pounds more.
How you hold your head and stand will have a big effect on your wedding photographs. Look at any People magazine and how the celebrities stand. They have this down to a science. A turn of the body in opposite directions, hips this way, head that way, blah blah blah and to the point of what may seem contortionist-like but really isn't. If you practice it you will see.
I'm not going to give away all my secrets here as those are saved for clients. What I can tell you is sometimes just adjusting your posture and getting a better quality mirror can help a lot with body image. It doesn't end there though. I have lots of other hints that help to practice months before your wedding that eventually will come naturally thus not requiring me posing you into some preconceived false portrait of you.
The last and probably the best piece of advice I can give you today is LOVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER. Connect with him or her. You have to develop a decent relationship with them over the next few months. The better you connect and trust, the easier your wedding day photographs will feel. You won't be freaking inside about how you look; it won't even cross your mind. Why? Because not only have you taken the time to learn proper posture and posing to best highlight your lovely assets but you also trust your photographer to find your best angle that will ultimately yield beautiful photographs but honest moments. Because your photographer isn't guiding every turn and move you make which will suck the life out of a moment. Instead he/she is concentrating on capturing your natural, confidence and the beauty of the moments that comprise your day.
Another beautiful bride who's enjoying the moment rather than worrying about how she looks. Wow!
Call me for more information at how I can help you to have awesome wedding photographs with honest moments and beautiful wedding portraits. 504-920-8703. I'm blown away at how fast 2015 is booking so don't wait!