Wedding Tip Number 30 - Do Not Starve - Pamela Reed New Orleans Wedding Photographer
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By Pamela Reed
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Do NOT starve yourself the day before so you can fit into your wedding dress!

Do NOT change your eating routine drastically.

Do that a month or more out. Eat something with protein and a little fat. The protein helps sustain your energy level, because I guarantee your adrenal glands are pumping adrenaline like a well. The fat helps to stave off hunger and keep your blood sugar in control. NO sugar or sweets till after the wedding ceremony if you can help it. The foods below are great options not only for you but your guests. These will help slow down the effects of alcohol so you won't look too drunk for your reception photographs!

Thanks Broussards for this lovely spread.


Broussards Restaurant is located in the French Quarter right off Bourbon Street and offers a beautiful and accommodating place for your ceremony and wedding reception needs. Plus you can second-line right out the door down Bourbon and return to great food, beverage and atmosphere.

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