What Makes a Good Wedding Photographer Part 1
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By Pamela L. Reed Photography
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So what is it that differentiates one photographer from another? What is it that makes one better for you than another? it can be a daunting choice. One that you know is very important to your memories and future. Take a look at the list below. Just a few examples that might help you when choosing the best fit for you and your wedding.

1. STYLE. Have you seen enough examples of their favorites AND entire weddings to have a confidence that he/she is the right choice for you? Okay then! Next.

2. LENGTH OF BUSINESS/EXPERIENCE. How long have they been in business? Are there any whose reviews might indicate issues? Don’t just check weddings.com or knot.com, they are paid advertising for features and such. Reviews are legit but you really want a source where there is zero filtering. A couple bad ones don’t make a bad photographer either. And check your sources. Be sure they are legitimate. I am fond of google to be perfectly honest. Back to experience. Experience does count. It doesn’t mean you MUST have lots of experience to be very good or successful. It just means when crap hits the fan experience counts BIG TIME. We have all had the camera failures, venue lighting disasters, you name it. And as a result we know what we needed to do to avert disaster and provide exactly what we said we would do. So yeah experience counts in that realm. 

3. COMMUNICATION. To me this is the most important aspect. You can hire the coolest, most creative genius, 5 star photographer and never hear from them until its time to pay up. I feel its important to connect with clients. Get a feel for who they are and what they will ultimately love. Then be able to make it happen without manufacturing any moments. Hiss boo for manufactured moments, ever. So look for photographers who are awesome at their communication and how much they are willing to offer. Some big shots are tight with their time. 

These are just a few suggestions. In the future I will write some posts with additional suggestions. In the meantime, if you find yourself in need of a non-traditional portrait photographer who does a few select weddings each year as well then give me a call 504-920-8703 or drop me a verse pam@artsyphotographer.com. Happy trails!



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