Wow! That Was Kinda Freaky.
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By Pamela Reed
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You ever have one of those amazing moments when all the special sights, sounds and smells from your past converge?  Yeah, I know it sounds kind of crazy.  I was reclining on the porch yesterday, the winds had picked up keeping the porch cool, slight overcast working in and out.  The street was uncharacteristically quiet, no traffic.  No ship horns bellowing in the background. Just simple quiet. Right at that moment I was starting to doze off and suddenly my sixth sense kicked in.  You know what I mean when your senses take over your head for just a brief moment.  Everything right then at that moment reminded me of the best of the places I had lived before.  I could smell the gulf on the breeze mixed with freshly cut grass and the silence of the desert.  I was born in Kansas City, actually a small town in Johnson County which is not so small now.  The cut grass reminded me of the carefree summer days of my youth.  The gulf trapped in the breeze harkened back to walks on the beaches of Southern California where I did a brief stint. Lastly the peace and quiet reminded me of summer evenings of both my youth in Kansas City and adulthood carving out a new life in Arizona.  Our first house was in North Phoenix surrounded on all sides by mountains.  Very few lights and homes around us lent to peaceful evenings of refuge from the daily clatter of a rapidly growing city.  As a kid we used to sit outside and look up at a sky completely enveloped in stars with flickering fireflies off in the distance.  


Yeah, that was a cool feeling last night.  

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